Monitoring - Definition
Monitoring is the systematic and continuous collection, analysis, and use of information for quality control and decision-making related to the projects. It involves the ongoing and routine review of projects to verify whether they are developing according to plan and budgetary requirements and whether adjustments may be needed to achieve intended goals.
Purpose of Monitoring
The primary aim of monitoring is to improve the quality of projects during implementation. Through monitoring, ineffective efforts are identified and rectified, and remarkably effective actions are appreciated.
Monitoring enables us to answer these questions and then make important decisions to improve the quality of projects and their implementation:
- Are project inputs (finance, personnel, materials, etc.) available on time and in the right quantities and quality?
- Are activities being implemented according to the project design and on schedule
- Are activities leading to the expected outputs
- How do beneficiaries feel about the activities
- Are outputs leading to the achievement of the expected outcomes
- What is causing delays or unexpected results
- Is there anything happening that should lead management/coordination to make changes or adjustments to the project design or operational plan
- Are our actions creating any unintended negative consequences
- Project Manager: He/she will be responsible for promptly completing the Project Management Framework (PMF) or the Project Manager Report (PMD) and submitting it to the respective teams. PMF/PMR is an essential monitoring tool that provides qualitative and quantitative updates on projects and acts as the backbone of regular monitoring within the organization.
- Project Team: The project team is directly responsible for the daily monitoring of activity implementation. They provide feedback on draft monitoring plans and offer technical and area-specific advice to improve the quality of the monitoring plan. They will provide insight into past experiences and ensure the program addresses areas identified as problematic in past operations. Further, they are responsible for providing inputs into indicator and activity tracking tables that M&E updates regularly.
- Country Director/Deputy Country Director Programs: Given that the M&E Unit is under the direct responsibility of the Country Director/Deputy Country Director Programs, he/she makes sure that Project M&EAME frameworks are developed and implemented accordingly. In addition, the Country Director/Deputy Country Director Programs determines the necessity of doing any special monitoring missions.
- Area Coordinator: The Area Coordinator ensures that monitoring missions are conducted at the area level according to the mission plans and provides the area M&E team is equipped sufficiently in terms of logistic, financial, and human resources to conduct these missions. In the case of challenges between project and M&E teams, the AC will facilitate discussions and productive dialogue to ensure both teams can do their jobs effectively. Most importantly, AC reduces discussions between project and M&E teams on monitoring findings and recommendations as a neutral person and also shares the responsibility in implementing those recommendations at the area level.
No proper planning and monitoring, no quality result guarantee!!!